Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 г. Том 11. № 1выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- Culture Genesis of the Peoples of the North of the Yenisei. Interaction of Cultures (on the Basis of the Materials of Krasnoyarsk Regional Local Lore Museum). — С. 4-18M. S. Batashev, N. P. Makarov
- Articulatory Gestures in the Phonoiconic System of Language. — С. 19-26O. I. Brodovich , V. A. Davydova
- Raymond Carver as "The American Chekhov". — С. 27-33E. M. Butenina
- British Literature at the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries in Russian Translations: Translatability and the Problem of "The Third Literature". — С. 34-45A. S. Dubovik
- Rainman and Lieutenant Kizhe: Name in Second-Order Semiological System. — С. 46-53N. N. Efimova
- Verbalization of Concept "Мистическое" ("Mysterious") in the Consciousness of Russian-Speaking People. — С. 54-62S. Ju. Folina, A. G. Fomin
- Linguistic and Cultural Transfer in Euphemistic Naming of Social Diseases. — С. 63-70A. G. Fomin, Evgeniia V. Arkhipova
- Civilian Trend in the Australian Literature as a Resource of National Moral Values. — С. 71-79E. B. Grishaeva
- On the Experience of Motivating Technical University Students to Communicate in a Foreign Language. — С. 80-89E. N. Karakozova, Yu. S. Perevezentseva, D. V. Lastochkin
- Multilingual Communication Space in English Translations of Boris Akunin’s Texts. — С. 90-97V. N. Karpukhina
- Translated Literature in the Russian Culture of the 20th Century: Manipulation and Censorship. — С. 98-105N. V. Klimovich
- Modern Existentialist Novel: Code-Mixing. — С. 106-119G. I. Lushnikova, T. Iu. Osadchaia
- Perception of Contemporary Russian Literature in Chinese Criticism as Exemplified by the Works of Siberian Writers (V.P. Astaf’ev and V.G. Rasputin). — С. 120-131V. V. Nikitenko
- The Myth About Heracles in Literary Interpretation of P. Hacks (Based on the Play "Omphale"). — С. 132-138T. S. Nipa, V. E. Biktimirov
- "Strong" Texts of the Russian Literature in Translations: Cultural and Language Comprehension. — С. 139-145V. A. Razumovskaya
- Artistic Time in M.A. Tarkosky`s Small Prose. — С. 146-154N. A. Valianov
- The Linguistic Worldview of Contemporary Israeli Writers (E. Kishon, A.B. Yehoshua, A. Oz, M. Shalev, D. Grossman) in Russian Translation: Estrangement and Translation Strategies. — С. 155-170Yu. E. Valkova