Uma retrospectiva da expansão do sistema eletrico na bacia do rio Tocantins, com estudo de caso na região de Lajeado - Palmas - Porto Nacional, (TO), 1996-2003dissertation
Аннотация: This study in the area of Energy Planning focuses on recent investments to increase generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the Tocantins River basin in an area of the Central-Western and Northern regions of the country.The theoretical review of the themes studied focused on the planning and licensing stages, and on construction of large hydroelectric dams, and also includes the phases of filling the reservoir and the beginning of electrical operations.A recapitulation was made of the principal consequences for the rivers, the region and its natural resources, and for the affected people in the region of influence of the dam. Compiling the results of field research carried out between 2001-2003 in the region ofLajeado dam, in the cities of Palmas, Porto Nacional and Lajeado(Tocantins state), the dissertation looks at technical, social, and environmental aspects of this and other hydroelectric dams, within the general context of the process of regional electrification and analyzing main destinations of the electricity produced.This process began in the 1970´s with the first inventory studies in the Tocantins and Araguaia River basin, and has been carried out so far through the construction of projects such as Tucuruí (Pará state), Serra da Mesa and Canabrava (Goiás state) and Lajeado (Tocantins state), and the North-South Electrical Interconnection (transmission lines belonging to Eletronorte and Furnas).The strategic importance of this process in the creation of a new State (Tocantins) in 1988 and its planned capital, Palmas, projected for the shores of Lajeado reservoir is also emphasized.Also mentioned are the creation and the privatization of the state electrical distribution company, Celtins, and the expansion of its generating capacity, through small and medium-sized projects and through electricity transmission and distribution, accompanying the impulses of economic development of the new state.Specific chronologies were elaborated for each of the four large hydroelectric plants of the river Tocantins.For studying the selected case, technical documents were compiled from companies, from the Federal Public Ministry, and from non-governmental organizations.Also visits were carried out, with photographs and interviews regarding the works and operation of Lajeado dam, focusing on problems confronted and still outstanding with dam-affected residents and relocatees, and the transformations occurring in various economic activities, including leisure, which were affected by the formation of the reservoir.
Год издания: 2003
Авторы: Rubens Milagre Araujo
Ключевые слова: Urban Development and Societal Issues
Открытый доступ: bronze