The role of the Kazan university in formation of medical faculty at Novorossiysk universityстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The medical faculty at Novorossiysk University in Odessa (nowadays - Odessa National Medical University) was established in 1900. The aim of the review is to outline the impact of medical scientists from Kazan University on forming the lecturing staff of the medical faculty in Odessa. The article reviews previously published and newly discovered source data. The first head of the department of diagnostic medicine and propaedeutics of the medical faculty was Sergey Vasilyevich Levashov, professor of Kazan University. He took up the position of professor at the department of internal medicine of the teaching hospital of Kazan University in June of 1886. In January of 1903, he was transferred to Novorossiysk University, which was a solid addition for the new faculty. Professor Leontiy Ivanovich Uskov followed professor Levashov on his way from Kazan to Odessa. In 1889 he graduated from gymnasium in Tambov, in 1894 - from medical faculty of Kazan State University magna cum laude, worked as a military doctor, since 1900 - as an ordinary resident of professor Levashov at the department of internal medicine of the teaching hospital of Kazan University. In 1903, Professor Nikolay Mikhaylovich Popov (in 1894-1903 - professor of the department of mental diseases at Kazan University) also transferred to Odessa. Professor Popov was the founder and the first head of the department of neurology and mental diseases in Odessa. Alexey Erastovich Yanishevsky, who was the student of Professor N.M. Popov in Kazan, followed him to Odessa. Another student of Professor Popov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Obraztsov, who graduated from medical faculty of Kazan University in 1898 and was recommended by Professor Popov for extraordinary residency at the department of mental diseases at Kazan University a year after, transferred to Odessa in 1904. Another alumnus of Kazan University, Bronislav Ivanovich Vorotynsky, was teaching at Novorossiysk University. In 1901 he left the position of extraordinary assistant professor of the department of mental diseases at Kazan University after being appointed as a head doctor of the Odessa city mental hospital; since 1905 he was a freelance university lecturer of the department of neurology and mental diseases at Novorossiysk University. Therefore, the lecturing staff of one of the country’s oldest medical schools contributed to establishing the new site of higher medical education in Russia.
Год издания: 2014
Авторы: K.K. Vasilyev, Yu.K. Vasilyev
Издательство: ECO-vector
Источник: Kazan medical journal
Ключевые слова: History, Medicine, and Leadership, Medical History and Innovations, Medical History and Research
Открытый доступ: hybrid
Том: 95
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 169–174