Аннотация: Aim. Araneofauna of Peri-Caspian is fragmentary studied. A literature contains faunistic data for the North-West Caspian and Volga River delta. Several faunistic records and new species were earlier described from the North Caspian. Spiders of Mangyshlak are insufficiently studied. The aim of this wark is summation of available data on araneofauna of coast and islands of North Peri-Caspian with more detailed analisys of spiders of North Caspian islands. Location. Russia: Astrakhan Region, Dagestan, Kalmykia; Kazakhstan: Atyrau and Mangystau Regions. Methods. Investigations include Caspian coastal zone with width about 20 km from Makhachkala (western coast) to Tyub Kurgan (eastern coast) and islands of the Caspian Sea: Nordovyi, Tyuleniy, Chechen, Kulaly. Pitfall traps and manual collection were used during 1975–1985 and 2009–2013. Results and main conclusions. Annotated check-list of 325 species of spiders from 31 families is made for North Caspian coast and islands. Species of the families Gnaphosidae (67 species), Salticidae (46 species) и Lycosidae (37 species) are dominated. Three hundred four species are known from coastal (width 20 km) zone (from Makhachkala to Tyub Kurgan) and 132 species were found on islands. North-Eastern Peri-Caspian coast contents 198 species, Volga River delta – 134 species, coast of North and North Eastern Caspian – 98 species. Number of species on Caspian islands: Nordovyi – 30, Tuleniy – 83, Chechen – 66, Kulaly – 43. Each island has its special araneofauna. There are significant differences in fauna composition of different parts of coastal zone.
Год издания: 2014
Авторы: A. V. Ponomare, Г. М. Абдурахманов
Издательство: Kamerton
Источник: South of Russia ecology development
Ключевые слова: Spider Taxonomy and Behavior Studies, Environmental and Biological Research in Conflict Zones
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