Аннотация:This report is a bibliography of tectonics, stratigraphy, and organic geochemistry of upper Precambrian (principally Upper Proterozoic but also some Middle Proterozoic) rocks of the world.Only those publications that are related to the problem of petroleum potential of Precambrian rocks are included.The majority of listed publications discuss various aspects of petroleum geology or contain general geologic descriptions of Precambrian basins composed of unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks.Some of these basins may possess a certain potential for petroleum exploration.Other basins have no potential; however, they are well exposed and may provide important data for comparative analysis of factors that controlled formation and destruction of oil and gas accumulations.Publications on these exposed basins are included because of general scarcity of drilling data in most buried sedimentary basins of Precambrian age.The bibliography includes also a number of principal publications on deformed and inverted Late Proterozoic rifts.These rifts represent the final stage of destruction of previously petroliferous basins.Commonly, these deformed rifts (now foldbelts) are associated with undeformed sedimentary basins which were marginal parts of sags overlying the rifts before the deformation.