Framing Intersectionality: Debates on a Multi-Faceted Concept in Gender Studiesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Contents: Preface, Mary Evans Framing intersectionality an introduction, Helma Lutz, Maria Teresa Herrera Vivar and Linda Supik Section I Intersectionality's Transatlantic Travels a Geographies of the Debate: Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: a Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory, and antiracist politics, KimberlA(c) Crenshaw Intersectionality as buzzword: a sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful, Kathy Davis The discursive politics of feminist intersectionality, Myra Marx Ferree. Section II Emerging Fields in Intersectionality: Masculinities, Heteronormativity and Transnationality: Marginalized masculinity, precarization and the gender order, Mechthild Bereswill and Anke Neuber Neglected intersectionalities in studying men: age/ing, virtuality, transnationality, Jeff Hearn Exposures and invisibilities: media, masculinities and the narratives of wars in an intersectional perspective, Dubravka Zarkov Sexuality and migration studies: the invisible, the oxymoronic and heteronormative othering, Kira Kosnick Psychosocial intersections: contextualising the accounts of adults who grew up in visibly ethnically different households, Ann Phoenix. Section III Advancing Intersectionality: Potentials, Limits and Critical Queries: Beyond the recognition and re-distribution dichotomy: intersectionality and stratification, Nira Yuval-Davis Embodiment is always more: intersectionality, subjection and the body, Paula Villa Intersectional invisibility: inquiries into a concept of intersectionality studies, Gudrun Axeli Knapp Intersectional analysis: black box or useful critical feminist thinking technology?, Nina Lykke Postscript, KimberlA(c) Crenshaw Index.
Год издания: 2012
Авторы: Helma Lutz, María Teresa Herrera Vivar, Linda Supik
Издательство: SAGE Publishing
Источник: Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews
Ключевые слова: Labor Movements and Unions, Political Economy and Marxism, Gender Politics and Representation
Другие ссылки: Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews (HTML)
Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository) (PDF)
Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository) (HTML)
Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository) (PDF)
Library Union Catalog of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg (B3Kat Repository) (HTML)
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Страницы: 255–256