Effect of chronic predatory stress on rat liver microcirculationстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Introduction . One of the topical issues of modern circulatory physiology is the study of the peculiarities of the influence of chronic stress on the hepatic hemodynamics. The effect of stress on the liver microvessels has not been practically studied. The aim was to study the parameters of liver microcirculation in rats when modeling chronic stress. Materials and methods . The study was conducted on 60 male Wistar rats weighing 220-370 g, divided into control and experimental groups of 30 rats each. In animals of the experimental group, chronic predatory stress was simulated by exposure to predator (cat) urine smell for 10 days according to the method of V. E. Zeilikman et al. (2021). Median laparotomy was performed under anesthesia with Zoletil and Xylazine. The study of rat liver microcirculation was performed using laser Doppler flowmeter LAKK-02 (Russia) on the visceral surface of the liver. The study of liver tissue perfusion parameters was carried out before and after stress modelling in rats of the experimental group, before and after laparotomy in rats of the control group (falsely operated animals). Digital data were processed by methods of variation statistics. Results . When modeling chronic emotional stress, a decrease in the basic microcirculation parameters on the visceral surface of the liver was revealed: microcirculation index – by 28.35 %, coefficient of variation – by 55.92 %, which is probably due to vasoconstriction of the vessels of the microcirculatory link. To the greatest extent, there was a decrease in the mean square deviation (by 100 %), which indicates the deterioration in the mechanisms of modulation of liver tissue perfusion. Conclusion . Chronic stress has a significant effect on the microcirculation system of the rat liver, which is manifested by a marked decrease in the basic parameters of tissue perfusion and a reduction in the mechanisms of blood flow modulation.
Год издания: 2025
Источник: Regional blood circulation and microcirculation
Ключевые слова: Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Liver Disease and Transplantation, Biochemical effects in animals
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 23
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 124–130