Аннотация:The article presents data on diastase activity and pollen analysis of honey from apiaries in the south of the Tyumen region. The research was conducted in the period 2017–2022. Honey maturation is a complex biochemical process in which biologically active substances, which include lysozyme and amylase, formed in the digestive glands of worker bees, play a significant role. Lysozyme provides bactericidal properties of honey, amylase – breaks down complex carbohydrates to their monomers. When conducting a pollen analysis of honey, it was revealed that the honey of apiaries in the south of the Tyumen region is polyfloric, since pollen grains of various honey plants were identified in the honey samples studied, which included linden, sweet clover, rapeseed, esparcet, surepka, dandelion, clover, osot. The results of the determination of diastase activity showed that in the experimental samples of honey, the diastase number was in the redistribution from 13,9 to 20,4 units, high diastase activity characterizes the quality of honey, because after undergoing a long-term biochemical treatment, it is more saturated with enzymes and biologically active substances. According to the research results, honey with high diastase activity includes samples from apiaries of Yalutorovsky and Isetsky districts.