Аннотация: The industrial cultivation of turkey is a profitable area of agriculture. Turkey care is the same as for many other domestic birds. But the main difference lies in the size of this bird. This is a relatively large poultry. Today, industrial turkey breeding is a very popular business. And its popularity is gradually growing. For profitable meat production, it is necessary to use certain breeds of modern turkeys, which are distinguished by the highest conversion of feed into meat. They consume less food and turn it into meat in a very short time. Each period of the life of a turkey grown on factory farms is controlled in such a way as to maximize the final weight of the turkey in order to make a profit. The industry has increased the number of poultry raised in factories, thanks to breeding, various feed formulations and modern management methods. In modern production, all turkeys grown in factories are bred exclusively by artificial insemination in order to make production as efficient as possible. Turkeys grown at enterprises are too large and muscular to reproduce naturally, so sperm is collected from male turkeys and injected into female turkeys. Feeding turkeys is a serious matter. The food changes several times during the life of the birds. It is always a feed based on corn and soy, but with a different content of additional vitamins and minerals, depending on the stage of growth of turkeys. The texture of the feed also changes as the birds mature. The results of studies on the effect of the combined use of the probiotic «Prolaxim-B» and the seleniumcontaining drug «NutriSel» on the safety of livestock, the growth of experimental poultry and feed consumption per 1 kg of gain, the chemical composition of the total minced meat of the pectoral and femoral muscles are presented. Scientific and economic experiments were carried out on the farm of IP Ermakov on turkeys of the Hybrid Converter cross. To conduct the experiment, a control group and two experimental groups of 250 heads each were formed. The chemical composition of turkey meat was carried out at the age of 120 days
Год издания: 2024
Ключевые слова: Food Industry and Aquatic Biology, Animal Nutrition and Health, Agriculture and Biological Studies
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 69
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 60–65