Аннотация:I n 1387 the tears of a queen made Sigismund of Luxembourg King of Hungary.At least, this was the interpretation offered by the Hungarian chronicler John of Thurócz (János Thuróczy, c. 1435-90).In his Chronicle of the Hungarians, composed in the second half of the fifteenth century, John of Thurócz described the dynastic conflicts that broke out after the death of the last Anjou king Louis I in 1382.The Hungarian nobles had -in accordance with the deceased king's wishes -consented to the succession of Louis' daughter Mary to the Hungarian throne.Competing parties, however, also raised claims to the Hungarian crown, and years of struggles and war followed.Finally, Mary -the heiress and crowned queen -married her fiancé Sigismund of Luxembourg in order to secure her position, and Sigismund was crowned in Székesfehérvár. 2 Diverging to a certain extent 1 Special thanks to Karl Kügle for the kind translations of all Latin quotations into English unless otherwise stated. 2