Decolonising Pre-Service Teacher Education towards Equityстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Since the democratic dispensation, South Africa's education system has striven towards not only providing all students with physical access, but also epistemological access to learning.Hence, basic education is charged with the responsibility of delivering an equitable and inclusive curriculum.Teacher education in higher education institutions is one of the critical social agents that can drive a transformative curriculum situated in a social justice framework.The aim of this study is to advance the possibilities of decolonising pre-service teacher education towards equity and inclusivity, through socially just pedagogies.In this case, the curriculum invigorates socially just pedagogies (SJPs) that emphasize the importance of the personal dimensions of pedagogy, the politics of difference, and the relationship between pedagogy and agency.We found the voices of lecturers in teacher education a valuable means of exploring how SJPs could inform a more equitable and inclusive curriculum informed by transformative ideals.We listened to the voices of nine purposively selected curriculum studies lecturers, from all three North-West University campuses in South Africa.The findings showed that these lecturers see teacher education as needing new concepts/ topics to be integrated that will advance curriculum transformation of knowledge, power and being.Participants called for recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) to attain equity and inclusivity in curriculum delivery.Hence, the incorporation of IKS, history and languages are recommended as integral parts of decolonising teacher education.The study adds to voices from the South that challenge the largely Eurocentric learning that still dominates South Africa and provide an alternative perspective on decolonised pre-service teacher education through SJPs.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Shan Simmonds
Источник: Alternation Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa
Ключевые слова: Global Educational Policies and Reforms, Global Education and Multiculturalism, Education Systems and Policy
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 39
Выпуск: 1