Problems of controlling the technical and tactical preparedness of taekwondo players of high qualificationстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Purpose: to analyze the current state of the problem of controlling the technical and tactical preparedness of highly qualified taekwondo players on the basis of scientific and methodological literature. Material and Methods. Research methods: analysis of special, scientific and methodical literature and the Internet, analysis of documentary materials. Results: on the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodical literature the modern tendencies of development of taekwondo of the World Taekwondo Federation, features of technical and tactical preparedness of sportsmen who specialize in taekwondo of the World Taekwondo Federation and criteria of its effectiveness are characterized. The consideration of scientific data on control, accumulated in the theory and methodology of sports training of highly qualified taekwondoists, testifies to the insufficient volume of both theoretical and experimental material on organizational and methodical bases of control of technical and tactical fitness, reserves are noted concerning scientific substantiation of means and methods of control which would correspond to the content of load of technical and tactical training and conditions of competitive activity of sportsmen at the stage of maximum realization of individual possibilities and modern Conclusions. It is established that the problem of control of technical and tactical preparedness of highly skilled taekwondo sportsmen is investigated more from the side of an estimation of technical and tactical actions of competitive activity, and in the process of preparation - measures of control of this type of preparedness are carried out more on a subjective estimation by a coach of the level of mastering of technical and tactical techniques that complicates processes of tracking of progress or decrease of quantitative and qualitative indicators and does not clearly define criteria of their effectiveness. Keywords: martial arts, taekwondo, control, technical and tactical preparedness, highly skilled athletes.
Год издания: 2024
Авторы: Pavlo Pshenichnikov, Олена Мітова
Издательство: Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
Источник: Єдиноборства
Ключевые слова: Physical Education and Training Studies, Sports Science and Education, Human Health and Disease
Открытый доступ: hybrid
Выпуск: 2(32)
Страницы: 81–97