A Prospective Observational Study of Physical Activity Levels and Physical Fitness of People at High Risk for Lung Cancerстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is a potentially modifiable risk factor for lung cancer, with previous research demonstrating that people who engage in more PA, have lower risk of developing lung cancer.PA levels of lung cancer screening participants have not previously been explored.Methods: Participants at a single Australian International Lung Screen Trial site were eligible for assessment of self-reported PA levels (International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE)) and physical assessments (6-minute walk distance (6MWD), hand grip muscle strength, daily step count, and body composition) at a single timepoint during lung cancer screening.Statistics were predominantly descriptive, with parametric data presented as mean and standard deviation (SD), and nonparametric data presented as median and interquartile range (IQR).Results: 178 participants were enrolled in this study, with a median age of 61 years.61% of participants were male and 51% were people who currently smoke.The median total IPAQ score was 1756 MET/Min/Week (IQR 689, 4049).Mean total PASE score was 160 (SD 72), higher than described in healthy sedentary adults.The median daily step count was 7237 steps (IQR 5353, 10038) and mean 6MWD was 545m (SD 92).Median grip strengths were within predicted normal range, with an elevated median percentage body fat and low skeletal muscle mass found on body composition.Conclusion: Almost a quarter of International Lung Screen Trial participants assessed reported low levels of PA and have a potentially modifiable risk factor to improve health outcomes.Larger studies are needed to characterise the burden of inactivity amongst highrisk lung cancer screening populations.
Год издания: 2024
Авторы: Asha Bonney, Catherine L. Granger, Daniel P. Steinfort, Henry Marshall, Emily Stone, Annette McWilliams, Fraser Brims, Paul Fogarty, Linda Lin, Jiashi Li, Siyuan Pang, Stephen Lam, Kwun M. Fong, Renée Manser
Издательство: Elsevier BV
Источник: JTO Clinical and Research Reports
Ключевые слова: Cancer survivorship and care, Health and Wellbeing Research, Nutrition and Health in Aging
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Страницы: 100633–100633