Diversity in Dialoguedissertation
Аннотация: Patient populations and the healthcare workforce are becoming increasingly diverse. Different aspects of our social identities are linked to varying care experiences, values, needs, and wishes, and are also associated with structural healthcare inequalities. In care environments, diversity can give rise to moral challenges. These diversity-related moral challenges may involve social justice issues, and they can be connected to addressing heterogeneous moral perspectives on good care, i.e., moral pluralism, in care practice and organizations. Cultivating diversity-responsiveness is important in order to facilitate just care practices. Dialogical approaches to Clinical Ethics Support (CES) services can assist healthcare professionals in collectively reflecting on morally challenging situations in order to deliver good care. However, there is limited insight into the role that dialogue and CES can play in addressing diversity-related moral challenges and cultivating more diversity-responsiveness in daily care practice and organizations. This thesis provides insight into how dialogical practices and dialogical approaches to CES may help healthcare professionals and organizations to deal well with diversity-related moral challenges, in order to cultivate more diversity-responsive healthcare. It explores the intersection of three subject domains: dialogical CES, (doing) ethics in organizations, and diversity-responsiveness in healthcare. Each chapter addresses different diversity-related moral challenges at either the individual level or the organizational level. These challenges involve dealing with varying diversity discourses in advance care planning, addressing sexuality and sexual boundary violations, formulating diversity statements in healthcare organizations, and developing a diversity-responsive, dialogical CES instrument. The chapters also provide examples and recommendations for addressing these challenges and cultivating more diversity-responsiveness through dialogue and dialogical approaches to CES. In the final chapter, a plea is made for more diversity-responsive and social justice-informed CES.
Год издания: 2024
Авторы: Luise Charlotte Kröger
Ключевые слова: Ethics in medical practice
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