Аннотация:The problem of increasing traffic intensity in megacities is becoming more and more urgentevery year, which leads to increased delays at intersections, increased fuel consumption and unjustifiedwear of vehicle units. One of the possible solutions to this problem is the improvement oftraffic control methods. The development of new control systems presupposes the availability ofsufficiently accurate mathematical models for describing the traffic flow in order to evaluate controlquality, as well as to forecast the properties and parameters of traffic flow. Research objectiveis to study existing traffic description models, to identify their shortcomings; to improve thesemodels in describing traffic flow not only at individual intersections, but also within a cluster ofseveral intersections. The paper analyzes the model of vehicle delays at the intersection byM.J. Beckmann. It is established that this model is quite accurate in describing isolated intersectionswith a uniform intensity of traffic flow, but it is unsuitable in cases with intersections thathave a traffic flow relationship with interconnected traffic light objects and bursts of traffic intensityduring the traffic light control cycle. The reasons for the discrepancy between the experimentaldata and the data obtained using the M. J. Beckmann delay model are analyzed. A modification of the M. J. Beckmann delay model is proposed, which takes into account the factor of theshift of the resolving phase of regulation between interconnected intersections. The resulting additionof the M. J. Beckmann delay model has significantly improved the accuracy of calculating thedelay of vehicles in relation to interconnected intersections