Gender Features of a Literary Textстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The article sets the task of the features of writing a modern literary text. Analyzes in the linguistics of contemporary literary texts are explored in connection with deep linguistic personalities in cultural, social and discovery aspects. In recent years, the number of studies that are associated with paying special attention to the characteristics of male and female languages and their linguocultural representation in works of art has increased, which are considered as priority research in the field of philosophy. However, it is important to choose the meaning of the gender image in a literary text from a cognitive point of view. The main purpose of the article is to show the cognitive nature of the author in the presented literary text, the linguoculturological use of the gender image. Several authors of modern fiction are used as an object. Having recognized the linguoculturological features of a literary text in the gender aspect, it is possible to evaluate the use of complex theoretical material common to language and literature. In addition to being able to use artistic tools in the Kazakh language in writing an artistic text, it is very important to be able to clarify the rules and requirements of language science, the rules of stylistics in creating an artistic text. In journalism, the relevance of the text in society is also considered due to the peculiarities of its writing. Therefore, the functional types of language in the literary text: description, narration, reasoning can be the main ways of composing the text. The linguistic side of the analysis of a literary text is of great practical importance in terms of feeling the aesthetic and poetic power of the word, making the possibility of judgments through understanding. Using the results of new trends and research emerging in modern journalism when analyzing text is very important and a requirement of the time.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: B. Karimova, N. Kuantayuly, B. Tolepbergen
Источник: Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy
Ключевые слова: Language, Communication, and Linguistic Studies, Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication, Cultural, Linguistic, Economic Studies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 130
Страницы: 89–100