Аннотация: Relevance. In modern society, digitalization affects all areas of society, including education and becomes the basis for the development of society itself and social relations. The purpose of the study is to study the features of students’ empathic abilities in the context of digitalization of the educational process. Material and research methods. The study involved st year students of the Medical Institute of the “Mordovian state University named after N. Р. Ogarev” direction “General Medicine”. A total of people were examined. The average age is years. Diagnostics of empathy was carried out with the method of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V. V. Boyko. Results. A very high level of empathy was found only in % of the surveyed, % of students have an average level of empathy, most of the surveyed (%) have an underestimated level of empathy, a very low level of empathy was found in % of the surveyed. % of the respondents have attitudes that promote or hinder empathy, the rational channel of empathy prevails in % of the respondents, identifi cation in empathy is found in % of the respondents, the intuitive channel of empathy characterizes % of the respondents, the penetrating channel of empathy is manifested by % of the respondents, the ability to empathize is found in % of respondents, the emotional channel of empathy is observed in % of respondents. Conclusion. It should be noted that technologies have both positive and negative effects on the development of empathy. While they can bring people together, strengthen a sense of community, and help share experiences, they can also lead to a reduction in face-to-face interaction, a lack of attention to non-verbal cues and emotional displays. To develop empathy, it is important to fi nd a balance between technology and real communication and prioritize face-toface communication and connection with other people.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Н.Г. Токарева
Ключевые слова: Educational Innovations and Challenges, Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Regional Economic Development and Innovation
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 1
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 171–171