Аннотация: The relevance is due to the fact that one of the most important tasks in the fi eld of education today is the problem of preserving the health of students. A safe educational environment acts as a condition for effective interpersonal interaction, contributing to the development of a psychologically healthy personality. The aim is to study the conditions for preserving the mental and physical health of a child in the process of socialization in the digital world. Methods include the analysis of publications on the research problem, observation, conversations with children, their parents, teachers, questionnaires. The main results. The real study of the surrounding reality is replaced by a virtual one, which sharply limits the possibilities of cognition. The child’s brain does not receive experience, without which it cannot develop. The most important parts of the brain responsible for concentration, empathy, self-control, decision-making do not develop, leading to brain tissues atrophy. Digitalization contributes to the loss of cognitive functions. First of all, it affects thinking skills, a decrease in the ability to critically assess facts and in the orientation in information fl ows, as well as in mental performance. One of the identifi ed consequences of digitalization is the elimination of systemic and analytical thinking in children: the brain loses the ability to construct an image of the future, setting goals for itself. Conclusion. The problem of health preservation in the conditions of digital socialization is reaching the level of a national one having one of the highest priorities. This is the only way we can preserve the main strategic resource that forms the basis of the potential of any state ad its future. Accelerated progress towards global digitalization, as well as consideration of the possibility of its introduction into the education system, require deep and comprehensive research, analysis and generalization.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Alexander Morozov
Ключевые слова: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia, Psychology of Development and Education, Educational Innovations and Challenges
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 1
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 89–89