Аннотация:The article provides a brief review of the literature on the diagnosis and management tactics of children with abdominal abscesses. A study of the literature has shown that open methods of treating abdominal abscesses are still the most common in children’s practice, although puncturedrainage techniques have obvious advantages. This publication presents an analysis of the results of five years of experience in the treatment of children with abdominal abscesses using minimally invasive technologies. A unique clinical case of multiple abdominal abscesses in a 10-year-old child undergoing outpatient treatment for gastroduodenitis without an effect is described in detail. During hospitalization, an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) was performed, multiple abscesses of the abdominal cavity of various localization and sizes were found. The method of percutaneous minimally invasive surgical intervention under ultrasound control was chosen as the treatment tactic. The above observation shows the wide possibilities of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal abscesses in children.