Thermodynamic Analysis of a Composite Obtained Using a Mixture of Copper and Molybdenum Oxides and Sulphidesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The purpose of the study is selecting the optimal composition of antifriction composites alloyed with refractory metal sulfides in copper-based systems and developing the design of a laboratory plant for the production of sinter by pyrolysis of coke chemistry production resins. The object of the study is antifriction composites based on rare metal sulfides and coke chemistry production resins. The methodology of the work is determined by the use of modern physical and chemical research methods and modern software systems. As a result of the studies, the probable chemical reactions between compounds of copper and rare metals: molybdenum, tungsten with and without the participation of carbon, have been compiled. The optimal compositions of antifriction composites based on copper and rare metal sulfides have been determined, and a laboratory plant has been designed for the production of sinter by pyrolysis of coke chemistry production resin. The scope of the results is materials science and technology of new materials. Based on the thermodynamic analysis of various reactions that are likely to occur during the preparation of the cladding carbon lubricant composition based on powdered copper and carbon with the addition of rare metal sulfides (MoS2), the most appropriate component composition of the charge has been selected. In this case, a reducing agent is used: soot obtained from resins of coke production that has an amorphous structure and does not have solid impurities. The main choice was made on the formation of metallic copper and disulfides of rare metals in the presence of active carbon. The most probable reaction is the formation of metallic copper and molybdenum disulfide in the presence of carbon. Carbon and copper are macro-components of the lubricant, and rare metal sulfides are additives that improve its plasticity. It is also important that carbon does not contain abrasive impurities and has certain hardness and fineness. These qualities are ensured in the production of black carbon using coke chemistry resins. To obtain black carbon, a laboratory plant has been designed that will be used for the pyrolysis of resin from the coke chemistry production.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: К. Ж. Жумашев, Aitbala NAREMBEKOVA, Abdurassul ZHARMENOV, Sergei МАMYACHENKOV, Alma Terlikbayeva
Источник: Trudy Universiteta
Ключевые слова: Material Properties and Applications, Polymer Science and Applications, Thermal and Kinetic Analysis
Открытый доступ: bronze