On Attention and Norms: An Opinionated Review of Recent Workстатья из журнала
Аннотация: How might attention intersect with normative issues and the psychology surrounding them?I provide an empirically grounded framework integrating three attentional phenomena: salience, vigilance (or broadly attunement) and attentional character.Using this frame, I review recent philosophical work on attention and norms.Section 1 establishes a common ground conception of attention no more controversial than the established experimental paradigms for attention.This conception explicates the concept of a bias which explains core features of action and attention, one that intersects biological, psychological and philosophical concerns.I emphasize historical biases associated with learning and experience.Section 2 presents an analysis of automaticity and control, concepts needed to fully characterize action.Historical biases are revealed as automatic.Specifically, the automatization of attention is central to acquiring skills and excellence in light of normative standards for a practice.Section 3 argues that salience involves the deployment of attention, while Section 4 characterizes vigilance not merely as a disposition but as an active orientation to attend.Vigilance is one type of attunement, and the set of attunements constitutes the agent's varied orientations to deploy attention, part of their attentional character.As discussed in Section 5, shaping this character is a goal of a normatively sensitive upbringing where appropriate attention is automatized through proper practice.Section 6 examines a common epistemic bias in academia and subsequent attempts to debias.I conclude with an example of acquired epistemic skill to give hope that attentional excellence is achievable. The Science of AttentionThis article integrates seemingly disparate phenomena in a psychological framework for attention in action, one rooted in the biology of our animal being.Accordingly, I begin with the science of attention to provide a foundation for philosophical psychology.Since William James's time, scientists have complained that attention is ill-defined.Yet James assured us that 'everyone knows what attention is':
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Wayne Wu
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Источник: Analysis
Ключевые слова: Mind wandering and attention, Embodied and Extended Cognition, Neural and Behavioral Psychology Studies
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Том: 84
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 173–201