Reinfection incidence and risk among people treated for recent hepatitis C virus infectionстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Objective: Reinfection poses a challenge to HCV elimination. This analysis assessed incidence of, and factors associated with reinfection among people treated for recent HCV (duration of infection <12 months). Methods: Participants treated for recent HCV (primary infection or reinfection) in an international randomised trial were followed at three-monthly intervals for up to two years to assess for reinfection. Reinfection incidence was calculated using person-time of observation. Factors associated with HCV reinfection were assessed using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Results: Of 222 participants treated for recent HCV, 196 (62% primary infection, 38% reinfection) were included in the cohort at risk for reinfection, of whom 87% identified as gay or bisexual men, 71% had HIV, and 20% injected drugs in the month prior to enrolment. During 198 person-years of follow-up, 28 cases of HCV reinfection were identified among 27 participants, for an incidence of 14.2 per 100 person-years (95%CI 9.8, 20.5). Reinfection was associated with prior HCV reinfection (aHR 2.42; 95%CI 1.08, 5.38), injection drug use post-treatment (aHR 2.53; 95%CI 1.14, 5.59), condomless anal intercourse with casual male partners (aHR 3.32; 95%CI 1.14, 9.65) and geographic region (United Kingdom, aHR 0·21; 95% CI 0.06, 0.75). Among gay and bisexual men, reinfection was also associated with sexualised drug use involving injecting post-treatment (aHR 2.97; 95%CI 1.10, 8.02). Conclusion: High reinfection incidence following treatment for recent HCV among people with ongoing sexual and drug use risk behaviour highlights the need for post-treatment surveillance, rapid retreatment of reinfection, and targeted harm reduction strategies. Clinical trial registration: Identifier NCT02625909 Funding: National Institutes of Health (R01DA040506). Study medication - Gilead Sciences Inc.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Marianne Martinello, Joanne Carson, Marc van der Valk, Jürgen K. Rockstroh, Patrick Ingiliz, Margaret Hellard, Mark Nelson, Thomas A. Lutz, Sanjay Bhagani, Arthur Y. Kim, Mark Hull, Christiane Cordes, Juhi Moon, Jordan J. Feld, Ed Gane, Andri Rauch, Julie Bruneau, Elise Tu, Tanya Applegate, Jason Grebely, Gregory J. Dore, Gail Matthews
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Источник: AIDS
Ключевые слова: Hepatitis C virus research, HIV, Drug Use, Sexual Risk, HIV/AIDS Research and Interventions
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