Features of the course of acute coronary syndrome in medical workers who have undergone a new coronavirus infectionстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Both in Russia and worldwide, morbidity and mortality from acute coronary syndrome (ACS) remain high. The emergence of a new coronavirus infection, the active participation of medical workers in its elimination, determined a new phenotype of patients, which determines the relevance of the problem and of a more detailed assessment of this cohort of patients. Aim of the study was to identify and determine the clinical and functional features, phenotype and endotype of the course of ACS in medical workers who have had a new coronavirus infection. Material and methods. An open cohort comparative study was conducted. It included 60 healthcare workers with ACS and a previous novel coronavirus infection, who were selected based on the identification of SARS-CoV-2 and/or its antibodies (positive PCR test) in anamnesis. All patients were admitted to the regional vascular center № 7 of the City Clinical Hospital № 2, Novosibirsk. The comparison group consisted of 60 healthcare workers with ACS without positive PCR test in anamnesis. General clinical and instrumental, coronary angiography with possible stenting. Results. Of the 60 medical workers with ACS after a new coronavirus infection, myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation was detected in 21 people, myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation – in 31, unstable angina pectoris – in 8 people. Within 6 months of undergoing COVID-19, they developed complex rhythm disorders, such as paroxysm of fibrillation or atrial flutter, more frequently than in the comparison group, as well as a full AV-blockade ( n = 25, 41.6 %, p = 0.020), bradyarrhythmias and conductivity disturbances ( n = 8, 13.3 %, p = 0.045), revealed a more than 2-fold increase in the pro-brain natriuretic peptide (proBNP) ( n = 21, 35 %, p = 0.033), observed myocardial dysfunction (ejection fraction less than 50 %) ( n = 6, 10 %, p = 041). Conclusions. The data obtained indicate the formation of a new ACS phenotype in medical workers who have undergone a new coronavirus infection.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: L. A. Shpagina, V. A. Kozik, И. С. Шпагин, И. И. Логвиненко, Kristina V. Likhenko-Logvinenko, Л. А. Паначева, S. A. Karmanovskaya, О. С. Котова, V. A. Drobyshev, A. M. Lyashenko, A. A. Rukavitsyna, Е. М. Локтин, E. G. Kondyurina, V. V. Zelenskaya, Т. В. Киселева
Источник: Ateroscleroz
Ключевые слова: Healthcare Systems and Public Health, Cardiac Health and Mental Health, COVID-19 Clinical Research Studies
Открытый доступ: diamond
Том: 19
Выпуск: 2
Страницы: 107–114