Аннотация:The author reviews the All-Russia Scientific Conference “The Seventh Grot Readings” held at Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library on November 17–18, 2022. Researchers of Ac. S. P. Korolev Samara National Research University acted as co-organizers and enthusiastic participants of the conference. The author discusses in brief the history of the Grot Readings and reviews the key topics. Since the first conference in 2008, it has become the significant event for Samara Region. It is to promote historical, local, philological, library and bibliographical studies and to maintain scientific communication within the country. In 2022, researchers and specialists from 22 Russian regions attended the conference. Three Sections of the Seventh Grot Readings are discussed, namely: History of Russia in 19-th–21-st centuries, History and Contemporaneity in Literature, and Book Culture, along with the key topics of the papers presented at each of the sections. The author analyzes the development of Grot Readings as a scientific research site and its potential for Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library and Samara Region, on the whole.