Abstracts of the 2023 World Congress on Spina Bifi da Research & Care – Transitionстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Background: Spina bifi da is a complex chronic condition and adds further challenges during the transition from adolescence to adults.Previous studies have shown that young adults with spina bifi da (YASB) experience multiple challenges in achieving educational and employment milestones when transitioning to early adulthood.However, these studies are limited due to small sample sizes and limited information on other potentially relevant clinical variables.This study aimed to describe the education and employment transition experience of YASB and investigate factors associated with employment.Methods: We queried education and employment data from the National Spina Bifi da Patient Registry 2009 -2019.We applied generalized estimating equation models to analyze sociodemographic and disease-related factors associated with employment.Results: 1,909 participants aged 18-26 years contributed 4,379 annual visits.The study sample was 55.5% female and 66.8% non-Hispanic White.At last visit, the median age was 21 years, 52.6% were covered by non-private insurance, 41.9% were nonambulatory, and 39.0% were continent of both bladder and bowel.A total of 41.8% had at least some post-high school education, and 23.9% were employed.In a multivariable regression model, employment was signifi cantly associated with education level, lower extremity functional level, bowel continence, insurance, and history of non-shunt surgery.Conclusions: This large, national sample of YASB demonstrated low rates of post-secondary education attainment and employment.Specifi c sociodemographic, medical, and functional factors associated with employment are important for clinicians to consider when facilitating transition for YASB into adulthood.Additional research could help us understand impact of cognitive functioning and social determinants of health on transition success in YASB.
Год издания: 2023
Издательство: IOS Press
Источник: Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Ключевые слова: Therapeutic Uses of Natural Elements, Neurogenetic and Muscular Disorders Research, Leprosy Research and Treatment
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Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 16
Выпуск: s1
Страницы: S97–S111