Аннотация:of ecology at Yunnan University and a leading sci entific assessor of ecological protection areas, welcomed me into his office.He pushed aside a stack of books on a wooden desk to make room for two teacups.Taking on a professorial air of someone who has lectured on the subject for decades, he began talking about ecology by situating it in relation to place, peo ple, and global exchanges.Through interviews with ecologists, such as Chen, as well as archival research, I learned about key natural and social scientists and a palimpsest of global influences, travels, and trainings that shaped ecology in China.Meanings surrounding ecology shifted alongside transformations in the Chinese state and society.In different eras, ecological thought became cen tral to state governance, unevenly categorizing the citizenry, and to notions of historical transformation.Ecology represented, at times, the borderlands of national territory, surplus energies embodied in the citizenry, nature aesthet ics, and scientific techniques to optimize socio-environmental relations.Over a century of scientific articulations, ecology came to figure centrally in logics of state governance and stage-oriented developmental progress toward a sustain able future.Within China's party-state, ecology is inseparable from articulations of sustainable development and totalizing socio-environmental managementcommonly discussed as "ecological civilization building" ( shengtai wenming jian she).China