Pathways to Water Sector Decarbonization, Carbon Capture and Utilizationкнига
Аннотация: The water sector is in the middle of a paradigm shift from focusing on treatment and meeting discharge permit limits to integrated operation that also enables a circular water economy via water reuse, resource recovery, and system level planning and operation. While the sector has gone through different stages of such revolution, from improving energy efficiency to recovering renewable energy and resources, when it comes to the next step of achieving carbon neutrality or negative emission, it falls behind other infrastructure sectors such as energy and transportation. The water sector carries tremendous potential to decarbonize, from technological advancements, to operational optimization, to policy and behavioural changes. This book aims to fill an important gap for different stakeholders to gain knowledge and skills in this area and equip the water community to further decarbonize the industry and build a carbon-free society and economy. The book goes beyond technology overviews, rather it aims to provide a system level blueprint for decarbonization. It can be a reference book and textbook for graduate students, researchers, practitioners, consultants and policy makers, and it will provide practical guidance for stakeholders to analyse and implement decarbonization measures in their professions. English edition available
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Zhiyong Jason Ren, Krishna Pagilla, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Jerald L. Schnoor, Krishna Pagilla, A. J. Simon, Seth W. Snyder, Andrew Shaw, Kubeshnee Chetty, Tak Fan Chan, Elena Lindsey, Anjana Kadava, Ben C. Stevenson, Krishna Pagilla, Prathap Parameswaran, Jessica A. Deaver, Sudeep C. Popat, Vikas Khanna, Madison Kratzer, Mel Harclerode, Jayesh M. Sonawane, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Deepak Pant, Kester McCullough, Stephanie Klaus, Charles Bott, Annalisa Onnis-Hayden, Dongqi Wang, Ali Akbari, Mi Nguyen, April Z. Gu, Lara Méndez, Cristian A. Sepúlveda-Muñoz, María del Rosario Rodero, Ignacio de Godos, Raúl Muñoz, Meltem Urgun‐Demirtas, Rachel Dalke, Krishna Pagilla, Boyan Xu, Shujuan Huang, Chuansheng Wang, Tze Chiang Albert Ng, How Yong Ng, Hannah R. Molitor, Jerald L. Schnoor, Aijie Wang, Bo Wang, Zechong Guo, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, James McQuarrie, Jiuhui Qu, Hongqiang Ren, Hongchen Wang, Kaijun Wang, Gang Yu, Bing Ke, Han-Qing Yu, Xingcan Zheng, Ji Li, Kathryn B. Newhart, Amanda S. Hering, Tzahi Y. Cath, Jason A. Turgeon, Steven A. Conrad, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Glen T. Daigger
Издательство: UWA Publishing
Источник: IWA Publishing eBooks
Ключевые слова: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Studies
Открытый доступ: hybrid