Sensory Quality of Coffee Beverrage Produced Thereof Linked to the Inhibition of Molds Growth and Ochratoxin a Removal from Coffee Cherries Using Lactobacillus Plantarum Strainsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Aims: Mold contamination of foods especially by mycotoxin producing fungi is not only a global food quality concern for food manufacturers, but it also constitutes a high risk for human and animal health resulting in massive economic losses globally. This study investigated the effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) on the growth of Aspergillus carbonarius strains and their production of ochratoxin A (OTA).
Methodology: Seven fresh coffee cherry and 9 dry coffee cherry samples were collected from Man, Daloa and Akoupé 3 main coffee producing regions in Côte d’Ivoire. LAB were isolated from fresh coffee cherries while mold strains were from both fresh and dry coffee cherry. The inhibitory effect against mold growth and the ability for OTA removal of selected LAB strains were tested successively in vitro and then during coffee cherry primary postharvest processing before evaluating their influence on sensory quality of beverage. OTA production ability of molds strains are studied using both solid (CYA) and liquid (CYB) Cazapeck Yeast medium.
Results: About 34 fungal isolates belonging to Aspergillus and Penicillium genus were studied for their OTA production using the agar plug technique and HPLC-FD. Five A. carbonarius strains were capable of OTA production between 15.9 and of seven isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum, two were successful in inhibition of mycelial growthproduced fungicidal activity; five were successful in retarding it produced fungistatical activity All of L. plantarum isolates exhibited OTA reduction ability at about 99 %. The inoculation of two highest anti-ochratoxigenic LAB to fermenting coffee cherries resulted in great inhibition of mold growth and OTA contents reduction varying from 63.2 to 82.2%. The addition of LAB to coffee cherries did not influence the sensory attributes of the beverages produced thereof.
Conclusion: This study highlighted that LAB are very promising biological candidates for reduction of mold contamination and removal OTA from coffee cherry during primary postharvest processing.
Год издания: 2023
Авторы: Guézéré Corinne Beugre, Adobi Christian Kadjo, Konan Mathurin Yao, Koumba Maï Koné, Isabelle Piro-Métayer, Charlie Poss, Noël Durand, Angélique Fontana, Tagro Simplice Guehi
Издательство: Sciencedomain International
Источник: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Ключевые слова: Mycotoxins in Agriculture and Food, Fermentation and Sensory Analysis
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