Аннотация:Our research is devoted to the study at the present stage of the species composition
and distribution of blood-sucking dipteran insects, carriers of dangerous parasitic
zoonoses in the Meghri District of the Syunik Region, the Republic of Armenia. The
studies were carried out from June 25 to December 3, 2022 in the Meghri District of the Syunik Region (altitude 394–565 m above sea level, semi-desert zone) along the
Armenian-Iranian border, since it is here that invasive species are most likely to enter
Armenia. For the first time in Armenia, automatic light Mothmatic Freezer Traps,
and high-tech automated traps for collecting nocturnal entomofauna combined
with a freezer were used as equipment for collecting nocturnal insects with positive
results. Based on our research, it was established that the fauna of nocturnal bloodsucking Diptera in the Meghri District was quite diverse and was represented by 9
midge species: Culex pipiens, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Culiseta annulata, Aedes caspius,
Ae. vexans, Ae. geniculatus, Anopheles maculipennis, An. claviger, An. hyrcanus and 3
mosquito species: Phlebotomus papatasi, Ph. kandelakii and Ph. sergenti.