Аннотация: This article presents an overview of the models developed by researchers for the visual representation of a complex and multidimensional communicative process, which reflect the most essential elements of the real communication process, the views of scientists on the communication process, as well as the most pressing problems that attracted their attention at one time or another. According to the author, at present, due to the development and active introduction of electronic and digital communication technologies into communication processes, the key components of communication models have been significantly transformed, and their functional purpose has changed significantly. In this regard, considerable attention is paid in the article to the vectors of the indicated transformation, among which is the qualitative expansion of the sphere of social communication, the change in the way information is transmitted and such elements of the communicative process as the communicator – audience. The article presents the author's interpretation of the transformation of the H. Lasswell model in the digital age. The author believes that when transporting a message with information, in addition to the physical medium of distribution (air, computer network, etc.), the distribution structure, which is increasingly acquiring a network character, has a great importance on efficiency. In the case of a network structure for the distribution of a message with information and the simultaneous receipt of a message with information by a large number of recipients, the "time of interest" of the recipients to the incoming information is of great importance. The article analyzes new properties characteristic of digital communications. Thus, the source of information (communicator) in the digital era may be unknown, the message sent by the communicator in the digital era may be adjusted according to the recipient, communication channels in the digital era can also be adjusted to a specific user, the number of information sources for the recipient in the digital era increases significantly, but in practice the recipient of information turns to a limited number of sources, when at the same time, believing that he has full freedom of access to information. The most important feature of the communication effect in the digital age is that in the conditions of rapid development of virtual social networks, the recipient himself can be a source of mass information. Thus, the development of digital technologies and network communication structures, although it is an important vector of transformation of the communication structure of society in the digital age, has ambiguous consequences for the development of society
Год издания: 2022
Авторы: G. B. Pronchev
Издательство: Publishing House of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Источник: Moscow State University Bulletin Series 18 Sociology and Political Science
Ключевые слова: Scientific Research and Philosophical Inquiry, Opinion Dynamics and Social Influence, Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia
Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 28
Выпуск: 4
Страницы: 122–138