A Year in the Life of Advanced Materials Technologies: Initiatives, Impact, and Inspiring Researchстатья из журнала
Аннотация: As Advanced Materials Technologies enters its eighth year of publication, we reflect on 2022 as a year of continued expansion, quality, and openness. In 2022 the journal surpassed 2000 submissions a year for the first time and reached its highest Impact Factor to date (2021 IF = 8.86; 2022 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics). As a result, more articles than ever before were published in the journal's pages. In recognition of this impressive growth, we are doubling the number of journal issues to 24 in 2023. The submissions we received last year nicely mirror the broad, application-oriented scope of Advanced Materials Technologies, with over half the papers reporting research results in the areas of (bio)engineering and electronic devices, with most of the rest on photonics, energy, and healthcare. Topics generating the greatest impact can be evaluated by examining metrics such as citations, usage and Altmetric score. The five review-type (Table 1) and original research (Table 2) articles published in Advanced Materials Technologies in 2019 and 2020 that received the most citations in 2021 describe research on (bio)sensors, printing, neuromorphic computing, robotics, energy generation and wireless communication. Similarly, the most downloaded articles published in 2022 (Table 3) are in the diverse areas of 3D printing, metamaterials, bioelectronics, wearables, healthcare monitoring and energy storage, with these themes flowing through to Altmetric attention (Figure 1). We congratulate the authors of these articles on their success! Xidian University, China Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS, China Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS, China University of Colorado Boulder, USA Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany Special issues allow us to introduce our readers to promising research areas and scientific achievements from a particular institution or country. Last year we published a topical special issue on Green Electronics jointly with Advanced Sustainable Systems as well as one featuring research activities at Queensland University of Technology's (QUT's) newly established Centre for Materials Science (Figure 2). This year, research collaborations between universities and industries in South Korea will be highlighted in a joint special issue with Advanced Materials. Several topical special issues are also in the pipeline. We extend our thanks to the Guest Editors of these special issues, without whom such projects would not be possible. In addition to special issues, we also curate virtual issues such as Editor's Choice (see Table 4 for the 2022 selection), Hall of Fame, and the “Best of Advanced Materials Technologies” series. University of Calabria, Italy CNR-Nanotec, Italy CNR-INO, Italy University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Guangxi University, China Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS, China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Georgia Institute of Technology, USA With the idea to support the broad and international community of our journal, an eye toward diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), and the desire to inspire future generations of scientists, last year the Advanced Materials Technologies editorial team proudly introduced two major collections of the Advanced and Small families to the journal: the “Women in Materials Science” virtual issue and the “Rising Stars” series (Figure 3). Launched in January 2021 as a living series in Advanced Materials, the “Women in Materials Science” collection highlights some of the most outstanding work created and led by women scientists around the world. Advanced Materials Technologies joined the program with the motivation to demonstrate the great impact female scientists have in the scientific landscape. Covering topics ranging from self-powered electronic skin to woolen-based respirators, active textiles from hierarchical assemblies and chemical doping of organic semiconductors, Rong Zhu, Jinlian Hu, Julianna Abel, Esther Barrera and Marta Mas-Torrent were selected to represent the journal on its first step into this initiative in July 2022. Their articles were made freely accessible for the first three months after inclusion in the virtual issue to ensure accessibility for the whole community. The virtual issue is now approaching its fifth update, scheduled for early 2023. The Rising Stars series was created to feature research articles on studies conceptualized and supervised by recognized early-career researchers from around the world. The International Editorial Advisory Board played a key role in supporting the in-house editorial team in nominating suitable candidates for the series. From there, through a collective effort, we selected young scientists early in their independent career. The first contribution to the series, entitled “High-Performance MXene-Based Flexible and Wearable Pressure Sensor Based on a Micro-Pyramid Structured Active Layer”, authored by Biao Zhao and Kai Pan, was published in Early View on 3 October 2022. The collection will soon welcome articles authored by Jiayi Yang (Breathable Encapsulated Liquid Metal Foam-based Soft Stress Sensor), Woo Soo Kim (3D Structural Electronics via Multi-directional Robot 3D Printing), and Caterina Lamuta (Bioinspired Fouling-Release Smart Skin Powered by Twisted Spiral Artificial Muscles). We invite you to browse through the articles in these collections and let us know what you think. Sensor research is advancing at a rapid pace with many exciting new developments published in Advanced Materials Technologies, spanning wearable sensors, point-of-care devices, photodetectors, electronic noses and more. To cater for this burgeoning area, we very recently launched Advanced Sensor Research, an open-access journal that publishes high-quality research on all aspects of sensing, from physical, chemical, and optical sensors to biosensors (Figure 4). We hope you enjoy reading this new journal and welcome your submissions. To introduce the expanded Advanced family of journals, which now includes 22 journals encompassing subject areas well beyond materials science, we are delighted to present the editors’ Best of Advanced 2022 selection of some of the most outstanding articles of the year. We hope this collection will give you an appreciation of the complete Advanced portfolio and its diverse content. Publishing open access allows authors more permissive use and sharing of their articles. It can also have a positive impact on usage, citations and Altmetric attention, the so-called Open Access Advantage. Many institutions and global funders have introduced open access policies and mandates for their authors. To make it easier for authors to take advantage of the benefits open access confers as well as fulfil open-access mandates four of our materials science journals have been converted from a hybrid (subscription with an open access component) to a fully open access journal from 2023: Advanced Electronics Materials, Advanced Materials Interfaces, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, and Small Structures. We believe authors in these subject areas are ready to embrace open access publishing and this will aid the journals to continue to attract the very best papers in the field. In another initiative to foster the transition to open access, Wiley has signed numerous Transformational Agreements (TAs) with institutions and consortia around the globe. These agreements typically combine read access with open access publishing, with article processing charges (APCs) covered through a central fund. This has allowed an increasing number of Advanced Materials Technologies authors to more readily publish their work open access. In fact, open access articles funded through various TAs represented ca. 25% of the overall publication output of Advanced Materials Technologies in 2022. The highest proportion were within the Projekt DEAL (Germany) agreement, followed by those with consortia in Spain (CRUE-CSIC), Italy (CRUI), UK (JISC), and Australia and New Zealand (CAUL). Further information on our TAs can be found here. Openness and transparency can extend beyond publications, to the peer review and editorial decision-making process itself. As a first step in this direction, we introduced a workflow where reviewers of manuscripts at Advanced Materials Technologies and its sister journals are notified of the editorial decision for manuscripts they reviewed immediately after the decision is made. The other, anonymized, reviewer reports are also shared with them. This gives our reviewers valuable insight into their peers’ evaluation of the manuscript and additional guidance as to the journal's standards. The feedback we have received from our reviewers indicates they are appreciative not just of the information provided in the notification but also how it acknowledges the important contribution they make to upholding our stringent requirements. As an advocate for responsible research assessment, Wiley signed the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) in May 2022. DORA is a global initiative designed to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. It favors article-level metrics and individual author contributions over journal-based metrics such as the Impact Factor. In support of this we have started to add additional metrics to our journals’ homepages and promotional materials, with the aim to provide a well-rounded view of the value and impact of any author's contribution to the field. The editorial team behind Advanced Materials Technologies was recently strengthened by the addition of William Odette and Emma Van Burns as peer review editors, Anamika Poduval as post-acceptance editor, Paulina Noack as the journal's administrator, and the promotion of Marco Squillaci to Deputy Editor alongside Muxian Shen. The exciting developments outlined in this Editorial would not have been possible without this talented group of colleagues or the invaluable support of our International Editorial Advisory Board, reviewers, authors, and you, our readers. Wishing you all the best in 2023! Esther Levy Marco Squillaci Valentina Lombardo Jolke Perelaer
Год издания: 2023
Издательство: Wiley
Источник: Advanced Materials Technologies
Ключевые слова: Machine Learning in Materials Science
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 8
Выпуск: 1