Аннотация:The article provides a source analysis of the publication «Siberian Bulletin» (the initiator of the publication and its editor -G.I.Spassky), published in St. Petersburg in 1818-1824 and including information on the history, archeology and ethnography of Siberia.The basis of the research was the articles of G.I. Spassky, V.V. Dmitriev (as well as anonymous publications) in the issues of 1818.The Siberian Bulletin refers to the monuments of culture and art of the ancient peoples of Siberia, which are represented by inscriptions, inscriptions, images on stones, from mounds or graves, from ruins, heterogeneous buildings and military fortresses; from the remains of mining operations.Also, the authors of the publication consider them historical and anthropological sources for the knowledge of man, the way of life of that time period.The publication under study has significance in connection with the activities of its authors in the study and description of samples of the culture of ancient Siberia."Siberian Bulletin" as a historical source contains unique factual and descriptive information about early examples of ancient Siberian art, as well as its primary processing, classification of objects.