Аннотация:[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT Manipulation systems are used as executive mechanisms of mobile transport-technological machines. The article offers approaches to modeling of dynamic processes in the operation of such systems. These approaches are based on the complex mathematical model developed by the author, which takes into account the interaction between the elements of the five-component system «Working body - Manipulation System - Basic Machine - Reference Base - Environment». By the method of statistical tests or simulation modeling, combinations of load factor values within each cycle of the system operation are determined. Then, for each combination of factors, a piecewise implementation of the process of changing dynamic forces or mechanical stresses in the elements of the structural steel that are of interest is constructed. For piecewise implementations, the loading of the manipulation system during the entire service life is estimated. Keywords: manipulation system, transport-technological machine, bearing surface, mathematical model, dynamics, loading.