Аннотация:Mountain ash ( Sorbus aucuparia L. ) is a prominent representative of phenolic medicinal plants. A widespread and cultivated plant, it has a sufficient raw material base not only of fruits, but also of other parts of the plant (leaves, flowers); it is a promising source of biologically active complexes for the development of new medical drugs. In the work, the content of the main groups of phenolic compounds in plant extracts from fruits, leaves and flowers of S. aucuparia L. was determined. Extracts were obtained using the original technology with acidified 95% ethanol. The content of the sum of phenolic compounds was determined, as well as the content of anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins. The effect of these phenol-containing complexes on the development of transplanted tumors (Lewis lung carcinoma, lung cancer-67) and the effectiveness of cyclophosphane treatment were studied. It was revealed that the use of plant complexes leads to a significant inhibition of the development of metastases in the lungs, as well as an increase in the antitumor and anti-metastatic activity of cyclophosphane in combined treatment. The new data obtained are of interest for further study of these phenol-containing complexes in order to create drugs based on them to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms.