Аннотация: A review of modern scientific approaches to assessment of the brain energy metabolism by way of recording DC-potential levels has been presented in the article. A DC-potential level is a slowly varying steady potential of the millivolt range. It is one of the types of superslow physiological processes recorded between the brain and reference areas with use of DC amplifiers. It reflects individual characteristics of general and local energy consumption associated with the general brain and nervous system functional state. It has been underlined that the DC-potential level was a quantitative index of body current functional state that determined its physiological activity, presented activity of the neurophysiological mechanisms of permanent purpose supporting cerebral homeostasis in norm and regulating the functional hemispheric asymmetry. There have been shown views of domestic and foreign scientists on the nature of the DC-potential level and physiological patterns of the DC-potential level distribution. The dependence of the dynamics of the DC-potential level indices on the age influences and the cyclic mode of the body functionality has been described. It has been shown that the study of the DC-potential level helped to reveal mechanisms of interdependence of the brain energy metabolism and other body systems, to determine homeostasis features in changing environment, to assess probabilities of psychosomatic pathology and effectiveness of drug therapy. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of possibilities of using the DC-potential level for establishment of relationships between the body functional activity and the brain energy metabolism and for practical development of new methods for diagnosis of different states.
Год издания: 2015
Издательство: ECO-vector
Источник: Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology)
Ключевые слова: Fusion and Plasma Physics Studies, Neurological Disorders and Treatments, Functional Brain Connectivity Studies
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 22
Выпуск: 10
Страницы: 27–36