Аннотация:The results of statistical analysis of morphological characters and the study of the cytochrome b gene variability (mtDNA) of rock lizards of the Darevskia (saxicola) complex distributed in the Caucasus and the Crimea, have shown significant differentiation within this complex, assuming specific independence of D. szczerbaki (Lukina, 1963) and subspecific status of recently described D. brauneri myusserica Doronin, 2011. According to our data, within D. brauneri (Mehely, 1909) only two forms of subspecific status can be distinguished, namely D. b. brauneri and D. b. myusserica. In our opinion, Lacerta saxicola darevskii Szczerbak, 1962 (= D. brauneri darevskii) should be considered to be a junior synonym of D. b. brauneri. The possible scenarios of range formation in the Darevskia (saxicola) complex are discussed.
Издательство:Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Источник:Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS
Ключевые слова:Environmental and Biological Research in Conflict Zones, Yersinia bacterium, plague, ectoparasites research, Spider Taxonomy and Behavior Studies