Аннотация:Opportunities in Germany for mathematicians from UkraineWe see the dramatic events in Ukraine with great concern and are shocked by the attack.Our sympathy goes out to the people of Ukraine who are enduring appalling suffering these days and to those who are now having to leave their country with only the bare necessities.In cooperation with Mathematics Münster, the DMV is setting up a long-term project to support mathematicians from Ukraine.As a first step, we call on all mathematical institutions and individual scientists in Germany who want to help with stipends, temporary positions, etc. to register on the website go.wwu.de/math-for-ukraine.Mathematicians from Ukraine on all career levels are invited to send their applications to the same website, and we will then try to find the best mathematical and personal fit between offer and application.Let us stand together to support our colleagues from the Ukraine!Angebote in Deutschland für Mathematiker*innen aus der Ukraine
Год издания:2022
Издательство:De Gruyter
Источник:Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung