Cultural heritage as a driver of social-cultural development on the modern stage: regional model effectivenessстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The purpose of the article is the analysis of the theoretical aspects of effective application of the regional model of integration objects of cultural heritage including the peculiarities of project-program activity in the branch of culture. The methodology consists of the culturological and synergistic approaches according to which the cultural heritage is given like synthesis of material and non-material component, as a valuable-content, complex and open system a that self develops thus creating the preconditions for the traditional contents integrations with the modern cultural practices. Also in the work, general-scientific methods (analysis, systematization of theoretical knowledge) were used and the structural-functional approach which is important in the context of understanding and determining the place of cultural heritage on the modern stage. The scientific novelty of the work is to consists in revealing the meaning regional model of cultural heredity integration is grounded as a theoretical-applied construct appealed to revitalize the cultural memorials and objects, and in such way to activate modernization processes connect with the economic potential of areas. Conclusions. Іn the conditions of total digitalization and globalization, discussions about state policy and management, the transition from the obsolete commodity-oriented idea of economic development till the new orientated on people strategy of development, the conception of cultural heredity undergoes changes. The special actuality acquires the problem of development and effectively applies the regional model of cultural heredity objects integration on the principles of the program-project method. Regional model realizes on the principles of traditional and innovation practices, the technology of storage the historical-cultural and natural diversity having as a purpose to create a favorable environment for cultural life self-organize. Key words: cultural heredity, driver of development, regional model, regional cultural policy, program-project method, innovations, cultural tourism.
Год издания: 2022
Авторы: Yulia Osievska
Источник: Almanac Culture and Contemporaneity
Ключевые слова: Economic Issues in Ukraine, Sustainability and Innovation in Business, Diverse Scientific Research in Ukraine
Открытый доступ: hybrid
Выпуск: 1