Prokopios’un De Aedificiis adlı eseri, Arkeolojik Buluntular, Yeni Gözlemler ve Gelişmelere göre Erzurum-Trabzon Hattındaki İustinianus Devri Çalışmaları
Аннотация:In De Aedificiis, Procopius talks about the defensive construction activities carried out in Northeast Anatolia during the reign of Emperor Iustinianus (527-565). However, the locations of these defensive structures mentioned in Procopios are still debated today. The lack of sufficient information on this subject in ancient literary sources, the lack of Archeological findings were the main reasons for the uncertainty about the location of these defensive structures. This study has evaluated the recent survey data of some built-up areas reported on the line of Theodosiopolis (Erzurum)-Trapezus (Trabzon) in the light of archaeological findings and toponymical determinations, and made new suggestions.