Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the integration gateway for the interaction of the learning management system with external systems and services of state information systems
Аннотация:The paper presents the results of the development of information technology for the interaction of the learning management system with the state information systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of higher education. Integration with these systems is based on the integration gateway, which is part of the educational portal of the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev. Approaches to organizing data exchange with external information systems were analyzed and described, and mechanisms for integrating the national database of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a unified higher education management system were identified. The created integration gateway within the framework of the educational portal interacts with the information systems using the technology of transferring a representative state, data transfer is carried out in text format. The implemented gateway allows you to receive the necessary data from the database of the educational portal, generate data packets for transmission, connect to an external system and transfer data. To evaluate the efficiency of the gateway, computational experiments were carried out in which data of various volumes were transferred through the created gateway to state information systems and the time of their transmission was recorded. Based on the obtained data, the dependences of the transmission time on the amount of transmitted data for each information system with which interaction is carried out were obtained and their graphical display was built. According to the results of the experiments, it was shown that the transmission time has a polynomial dependence on the amount of data, which makes it possible to interact with the indicated information systems in real time