Аннотация:This paper aims at power loss minimization and reduction of cost due to losses in the distribution network as well as improvement of the network voltage stability and profile via optimal shunt capacitor allocation. The optimal shunt capacitor allocation was obtained using Whale Optimization Algorithm considering technical (real power loss and VSI) and economic objective functions as sub-optimal allocation may result in undesired effects on the network. The obtained optimal sizes of the shunt capacitors were placed on the obtained location of the distribution networks to ascertain the behavior of the networks before and after their placements taking power loss, cost due to losses, and voltage stability index as the performance metrics. A comparison of these performance metrics under four cases, namely base case (case one), installation of one SC (case two), installation of two SCs (case three), and installation of three SCs (case four) were demonstrated using standard IEEE 33-bus and Dada 46-bus distribution networks. The results gave a percentage loss reduction of 33.74% with 27.60% annual net saving for the IEEE 33-bus network and 22.24% loss reduction with 25.60% annual net saving for the Dada 46-bus network. Hence, reduction in the total power losses and costs. Also, the voltage profile and voltage stability index were significantly improved.