Аннотация:The study deals with making a distinction between the terms “concept” and “notion”, on the one hand, “frame”, “gestalt” and “image”, on the other. The survey shows that the researchers are not unanimous in their opinion regarding both the typology of cognitive structures and their content. Relevant classifications indicate clearly that frame, gestalt and image are most regular categories, so, understanding their content, apart from their relationship to each other with-in the framework of modern linguistics, is of particular interest to us. In the study, these concepts are considered in the following ways: a relevant scientific source survey, term definitions, key features, illustrations, and comparative research to distinguish between the equivalence, proximity, and contiguity degrees of the characteristics revealed. Based on such a systemic analysis, it has been found that gestalt, image and frame are categories of the external world conceptualization distinguished on the basis of their structural, functional and semantic features. As a result, it concludes, the categories “frame”, “gestalt” and “image” might be considered as contiguous concepts.
Источник:Vestnik NSU Series Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Ключевые слова:Psycholinguistics and Behavioral Studies, Language, Communication, and Linguistic Studies, Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication