Precarity in Post-Yugoslav Cinemaглава из книги
Аннотация: When the Yugoslav director Goran Paskaljević called the Balkans a powder keg in his film collage Bure baruta (The Powder Keg, 1998), 1 he summed up all the calamities in this part of Europe with this metaphor.The Balkans are often referred to as the "Other of Europe," 2 and are generally considered unstable, conflictual, and underdeveloped compared to the West.Furthermore, the Western Balkan-the usual political phrase for the post-Yugoslav region-seems to be responsible for a great deal of this image.The Powder Keg depicts, in a nutshell, the image of the post-war society torn by aggression, ethnic hatred, criminality, and economic decline, while at the same time anticipating the trauma, poverty, and insecurity that the turn of the century will bring.Various transitions mark the period around the year 2000 in post-Yugoslav countries: from socialism to liberal democracy, from self-management to neoliberal capitalism, and from a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society to the building of nation-states and a redefining of national cultural identities.The global financial crisis in 2008 did not come as a surprise because it was just a continuation of the ongoing crisis from the 1990s.However, it increased the overall insecurity by permanently dismantling parts of the economy.Bankruptcy or restructuring-these were two prospects for the war-ravaged or lagging industries.Neoliberal capitalism displaced the socialist dream and offered a future based on economic modernization, development of the labor market, and privatization of public corporations.The economic modernization of this region proved to be slow and expensive, while labor markets had low employment rates by European standards.This is observable particularly among the 1 The metaphor Balkan powder keg, also known as powder keg of Europe, refers to the tensions and conflicts in the Balkan peninsula in the early twentieth century and has also established itself as a defamatory metaphor in the representation and comprehension of the Balkans.Tomislav Longinović mentions that "its World War I designation as the 'powder keg' of Europe owes this reputation to the way in which film footage was used to reproduce the violence of the area for the Western viewer."
Год издания: 2022
Авторы: Aleksandra Miljković
Издательство: De Gruyter
Источник: De Gruyter eBooks
Ключевые слова: Balkans: History, Politics, Society, Italian Fascism and Post-war Society, Eastern European Communism and Reforms
Открытый доступ: hybrid
Страницы: 161–178