Fostering Research Integrity through the promotion of fairness, equity and diversity in research collaborations and contexts: Towards a Cape Town Statement (pre-conference discussion paper)preprint
Аннотация: The World Conferences on Research Integrity have produced significant collaborative conference statements including the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity and more recently the Hong Principles on Researcher Assessment. The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (7WCRI) takes place in Cape Town from the 29th May 2022 to 1st June 2022. The theme of the conference is Fostering Research in an unequal world. We have proposed the Cape Town statement on Fostering Research Integrity through the promotion of fairness, equity and diversity in research collaborations and contexts as the major collaborative output for this conference. This paper serves to introduce the reader and conference attendees to the motivation and thinking behind this proposal which will be discussed further at the conference.The proposed Cape Town Statement needs to accomplish two aims. First it must clearly demonstrate why inequity and unfair practices in research collaborations and contexts is a research integrity (RI) matter. Second it must identify some key values or principles and action guides that will address the issue of equity and fairness in research within the context of the complete research life cycle from research agenda setting and call to proposal development, through grant application, allocation and management of funding, data production, analysis, management and sharing, to outputs, translation, and evaluation.This background paper serves to outline the rationale and justification for the proposed Cape Town Statement as a major collaborative output of the 7WCRI. It is not in itself the proposed statement but rather represents a summary of some of the thought processes and contributions thus far. We argue that the domain of RI and previous WCRI RI statements have focused the RI project primarily at a micro and meso or project level, with researchers and institutions being the main target for guidance. The Cape Town Statement project aims to widen the lens, bring in a macro perspective and ensure that other role players, including those that support global research structures and systems, are brought into focus, and encouraged to take accountability for their own spheres of influence.
Год издания: 2022
Авторы: Lyn Horn, Sandra Alba, F Blom, Marlyn C. Faure, Eleni Flack-Davison, Gowri Gopalakrishna, Carel IJsselmuiden, Krishma Labib, James V. Lavery, Refiloe Masekela, Doris Schroeder, Natalie Simon, Christa van Zyl, Sonia M. R. Vasconcelos, Retha Visagie, Francis Kombe
Ключевые слова: Ethics in Clinical Research, Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Education, Academic integrity and plagiarism
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