Emergency medical aid for refugeesстатья из журнала
Аннотация: We agree with The Lancet's assertion that emergency medical aid is not for amateurs (Nov 23, p 1393)1Editorial.Emergency medical aid is not for amateurs.Lancet. 1996; 348: 1393PubMed Google Scholar but we do take issue with the solution that you propose—yet another multinational task force. This force would only produce a highly centralised, poorly controlled, and unaccountable bureaucracy. There are no quick fixes. In the world of humanitarian medical aid, it is essential to recognise the differing agendas of donors, of national, international, and multinational implementing agencies, and of governments. For example, expert intelligence on movements of refugees in Zaire and Rwanda was almost certainly withheld from aid agencies by those preoccupied with political and military concerns. Humanitarian organisations, donor agencies, and other institutions need alternative, self-reliant strategies to ensure that aid donors get value for money. One such strategy is a defined career structure for those entering into medical relief. Increased collaboration between aid agencies, national health services, universities and accrediting bodies (such as the UK Royal Colleges) would enable entrants to develop field skills, to study best practice, and to understand the importance of academic critique, with the rigors of service training. Furthermore, donors, as purchasers of aid, must ensure rigorous assessment and accreditation of the implementing agencies, with emphasis on the quality and appropriateness of programme design. The agencies themselves need strong commitment to improving the quality of work they undertake—internal audit and evaluation is essential. Governments and international policymakers would do better to direct their resources and efforts in support of those agencies providing expertise in emergency medical aid. Another international bureaucracy is not needed.
Год издания: 1997
Источник: The Lancet
Ключевые слова: Health and Conflict Studies, Migration, Health and Trauma, Disaster Response and Management
Открытый доступ: closed
Том: 349
Выпуск: 9046
Страницы: 212–213