Abstractsстатья из журнала
Аннотация: The question of why Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) is endemic in equatorial by Denis Burkitt.Investigation of the geographic restriction demonstrated that BL occurred primarily in regions where there was sustained and intense exposure to holoendemic malaria.We began our studies in Kenya by revisiting the question of whether malaria transmission intensity and BL incident rates were linked.Using a large sample size, stable BL incident rate estimates at a district level of analysis, we found that BL rates were 3.5 times greater in regions with chronic and intense malaria transmission intensity than in regions with no or sporadic malaria transmission.To further localize BL cases within Nyanza Province Kenya where the overall risk for BL is high, medical records for all BL cases diagnosed between 1999 and 2004 at Nyanza Provincial Hospital were abstracted to determine the place of residence.Spatial analysis of BL cases within Nyanza Province revealed that BL cases Journal of Hematopathology ( 2008) 1:47 74 49 -Spatial clustering of BL cases in a high-malaria transmission region suggests that there are additional environmental factors in the etiology of BL.Current studies are examining differences in plasma selenium -an essential micronutrient -between the high and low-BL risk regions in Nyanza Province.Other ongoing studies are examining how infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) early in life alters viral children is being followed from birth through 3 years of age and EBV viral load, antibody levels, B-cell phenotype and age revealed that children living in a region with holoendemic malaria were peptides corresponded with EBV infection.A model for the etiology of BL based on our studies and the studies of others will be presented.
Год издания: 2008
Издательство: Springer Science+Business Media
Источник: Journal of Hematopathology
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Том: 1
Выпуск: 1
Страницы: 47–74