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Аннотация: dispersed academic community that thinks and makes interdisciplinary efforts in Latin America and the Caribbean world.This feeling of community, of a shared "something" is what led us to dream, to propose and to concretize a Latin American meeting on interdiscipline.The proposal of a first Latin American Conference on interdisciplinary emerged in 2015, within the Interdisciplinary Space (ei) of the University of the Republic (udelar) in Uruguay.Since 2009, more than 750 teachers and researchers have integrated cores or interdisciplinary centers of the ie. 4 To this is added a contingent of teachers, researchers, students and non-academic actors who make multi, inter or transdisciplinary efforts in different spaces of the university or other spaces somehow linked to it.Initially, the Conference was conceived as a local meeting to share experiences and research results, as well as interdisciplinary higher education at the national level.As the idea of the Conference grew, the need to interact and to address shared concerns with other interdisciplinary academic spaces in the region became clear.It was then that we challenged ourselves to think of a greater dimension: Why not think of a space that would allow to visualize scattered experiences in the different academic areas of the continent?Thus, the Latin American Conference of Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education (iei) emerged, with the idea of initiating a regional and Latin American biennial exchange on the specificities of interdisciplinary work, considering that the view from different academic contexts enriches and strengthens the local and regional perspectives.Appealing to the construction of a community that transcends borders and that allows building and consolidating areas where to dump and collect experiences, knowledge and shared concerns was -and is-one of its main motivations.
Год издания: 2018
Источник: INTERdisciplina
Открытый доступ: bronze
Том: 5
Выпуск: 13