The new horticulture,книга
Аннотация: ITH feelings of the deepest appreciation for their invaluable services in behalf of the New Horticulture, I now dedicate this new and revised edition.First, to Farm and Ranch, the only journal in the whole country that nearly twenty years ago opened its columns to what all others considered the visionary ''pipe dreams" of a crackbrained enthusiast and declined to publish, thereby affording me opportunity to present these great natural horticultural truths, and save them from perishing from off the face of the earth.Second, to Thomas L. Brunk, then professor of horticulture at the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, the very first man to whom I confided them, who at once recognized their inestimable value, and the next year verified a part of them at the Maryland Experiment Station, to which he had been called, and from which he was discharged for wasting his time and issuing a bulletin on such wild vagaries.Disgusted at such blind prejudice, he embarked in another line of business successfully.Third, to E. W. Kirkpatrick, the nurseryman and publicspirited citizen, whom all Texans love to honor, who was not only equally prompt to see these great truths but at once put them into practice, recommending them also in his catalogue to his customers, and boldly advocating them in public.To those three, the fruit-growers of the world owe a lasting debt of gratitude; but for them, they would still be in the bondage of that trio of horticultural tyrants, the plow, the cultivator and the pruning knife, who with their prime minister, the little bacterial devil, '' brown rot," have from time out of mind levied a tribute upon their earnings that far surpasses in amount the fortune of a Rockefeller.
Год издания: 1906
Ключевые слова: Urban Agriculture and Sustainability, Flowering Plant Growth and Cultivation
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