Аннотация:This article considers modern chemical terrorism to be one of the specific and new methods for resolving political contradictions. The acts of chemical terrorism or its threat can be used deliberately as a coercive instrument of foreign policy in the Middle East. Chemical terrorism can be used as an excuse for the open aggression against other nations and for sending regular military forces into the territory of other sovereign states. The article shows that the destabilization of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic is caused by the financial support of the so-called «moderate opposition», by the imposition of economic sanctions against the state institutions and also by the false accusations of chemical attacks. The article presents certain facts and evidence from different reliable sources, that allow to suggest the possibility of cooperation of foreign intelligence agencies with the armed groups that were committing chemical terrorist acts. The special expert group from the Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence of the Russian Federation has been formed for the confirmation of the alleged acts of chemical terrorism. The article presents the results of the work of this expert group that have been accepted by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Год издания:2017
Источник:Journal of NBC Protection Corps
Ключевые слова:Bacillus and Francisella bacterial research, Economic Sanctions and International Relations, Nuclear Issues and Defense