Oral Presentationстатья из журнала
Аннотация: Excellent disinfection method with hydrogen peroxide has deleterious effects on some materials after exposure to hydrogen peroxide.The purpose of this study was to examine material compatibilities with ionized and vaporized hydrogen peroxide (IHP and VHP).Various materials were exposed to IHP or VHP disinfection in the test chamber.IHP disinfection: Some damage was found in copper, brass, chromium plate and galvanized i r o n i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g e x p o s u r e t o IHP disinfection.Repeated IHP disinfection caused marked damage in stainless steel and urethane-, silicone-or epoxy-coating materials.Condensation of IHP disinfection posed severe damage for the surface of materials.VHP disinfection: In dry conditionings, some resins began to develop hardening or softening.We found discoloration in the stainless steel and changes in its coating materials.In process of VHP disinfection, condensation of VHP caused material damage such as corrosion of zincplated steel and air-bubbling over the colorsteel sheet.The increasing concentrations of IHP with condensation caused severe changes in the materials during prolonged exposure.The results of VHP disinfection provided evidence that the material damage was severer in dry conditions than in condensation conditions.Our results demonstrated that it was highly important to disinfect equipment avoiding condensation of hydrogen peroxide.
Год издания: 2018
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Открытый доступ: gold
Том: 67
Выпуск: Supplement
Страницы: S37–S83